

Richness of differences.

A reflection on the Pope's latest trip to the “peripheries of the world”. After more…

01 Oct 2024

World Mission Sunday. Pope Francis: “Come to the banquet”.

This year, World Mission Day is part of the final phase of the “Synod…

01 Oct 2024

Towards a Christianity with an African face.

Economic autonomy and autonomy of thought. These are the prerequisites for facing the great…

01 Oct 2024

A Priest for the World.

Giuseppe Allamano, founder of the Consolata Missionaries will be canonized on October 20th. Mission…

01 Oct 2024

The Earth, “The Common Home” of humanity.

The encyclical Laudato Si' offers a new way of thinking about our understanding of…

01 Sep 2024

Safeguarding the Environment: Costs and Benefits.

“Do we want our children and their children to ask us: ‘Why did your…

01 Sep 2024

The Guarani. The great family of creation.

For indigenous peoples, the earth is like a mother who offers her children the…

01 Sep 2024

Syria. A Light in the darkness.

Thirteen years of war. The earthquake and the consequences of the conflict in Gaza.…

01 Sep 2024

African ecological spirituality. Drinking from the wells of tradition.

In Africa, there is no separation between the sacred and the profane. According to…

01 Aug 2024

Syria. The courage to make a fresh start.

A journey to the last Christian village in the mountains of Syria where the…

01 Aug 2024

Brazil. Resistance and Resilience of a People.

Two young lay Comboni missionaries talk to us about their experience among people fighting…

01 Aug 2024

India. A mission among the tea-growers.

Among the ethnic groups of the Indian state of West Bengal, the missionaries accompany…

01 Aug 2024

Kenya. Turkana. Land, Lake and People

To cope with increasingly recurring droughts and animal deaths, the northern ethnic group, equipped…

01 Jul 2024

The Philippines. Preserving Nature in a Filipino Hermitage.

Four religious people have chosen to live in a hermitage community in the southeast…

01 Jul 2024

Angola. A common home.

The Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants (CEPAMI) and other civil society organizations…

01 Jul 2024

India. The life of the tea pickers.

Grasping the fresh, light green shoots in her hand, she separates them from the…

01 Jul 2024

Angola. Cristo Rey Seminary. A formation centre of excellence.

Since its foundation by the Spiritan Missionaries in 1928, the Cristo Rey Major Seminary…

01 Jun 2024

Nigeria. Charismatic Islam surprises Lagos.

In the country's most populous city, Muslim prayer groups have adapted to a scenario…

01 Jun 2024

Brazil. The gospel sails along the river.

In the Prelacy of Labrea, in the state of Amazonas, the Laguna Negra hospital…

01 Jun 2024

DR.Congo. New tensions between the church and the state.

The Congolese judiciary threatened to prosecute the Archbishop of Kinshasa, Cardinal Ambongo. Such a…

01 Jun 2024

Angola. Santa Teresa Education Centre. Educate in values.

The Sisters who belong to the Slaves of the Divine Heart run a school…

01 May 2024

Myanmar. They survived the Loikaw inferno.

Former Burma has become an open-air prison since the military junta took power three…

01 May 2024

Talitha Kum against people trafficking.

Fifteen years ago, Talitha Kum was established as an International Network of Consecrated Life…

01 May 2024

The Asian Faces of Mary.

Non-Christians venerate Mary in Asia. Mary stands as an interreligious bridge that belongs to…

01 May 2024

Nigeria. The open wound of kidnapping priests.

Kidnapping for ransom has long become a real industry in Nigeria. Priests and religious…

01 Apr 2024

Vietnam, new-found hope.

In a historic step, the Hanoi government has invited Pope Francis to visit the…

01 Apr 2024

Israel/Palestine. The Doors of the Desert.

"It is very important to be present and accompany them, especially in this painful and…

01 Apr 2024

Haiti. A Better Future Through Education.

Sister Paësie Phillipe had been a missionary in Haiti for twenty five years when…

01 Apr 2024

Cameroon. Those ten seconds of humanity.

This is the time necessary, according to Mireille Yoga, director of the Edimar Centre…

01 Mar 2024

Asia. Walking together.

The experience of the Missions Etrangères de Paris which from Europe paved the way…

01 Mar 2024

Antigua Guatemala. Holy Week

The ancient capital of Guatemala, a baroque jewel among the mountains, is the scene…

01 Mar 2024

Journey to Beauty Through Arts and Creativity.

A journey towards Beauty is also a journey to God. Fr Raul Tabaranza, a…

01 Mar 2024

Chad. Restoring Dignity.

In the southern region of Chad, in Bodo, to be exact, an African fashion…

01 Feb 2024

France. Sowing Hope in the Suburbs of Marseille.

In the northern districts of Marseille, a drug trafficking stronghold, people grow up surrounded…

01 Feb 2024

Ghana. The Village of the Children.

‘In My Father's House’, a centre for vulnerable children. A school for over 800…

01 Feb 2024

The Philippines. Why the Rosary in Jeepneys?

Jeepney drivers often hang rosaries and display religious images on their dashboards.  Why is…

01 Feb 2024

Slovakia. The simplicity of an encounter.

The Little Sisters of Jesus live their contemplative and active lives in fraternity. They…

01 Dec 2023

India. Child Brides. A School for a Fresh Start.

According to a recent UNICEF report, there are 640 million, 200 million in India…

01 Dec 2023

“I am on the side of peace”.

“To those who ask me which side I am on with so many armed…

01 Dec 2023

Brazil. Our Floating Church.

There are more than 120 communities distributed on the islands of the large Santana…

01 Dec 2023

The Philippines. Let's Save the ‘Amazon of the Oceans’.

“It is not too late to save the ‘Amazon of the oceans’, the appeal…

01 Nov 2023

Chad. At the Service of the People.

A community of Comboni Missionary Sisters work at St. Joseph's Hospital in Bébédjia, dedicating…

01 Nov 2023

Catholic Church. The Apostolic Exhortation. Praise God for all his creatures.

In his latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, Pope Francis has highlighted the urgency of…

01 Nov 2023

Israel/Palestine. The Desert, a Sacred Space.

Maria Cecilia Sierra Salcido is from Mexico and has been a Comboni Missionary Sister…

01 Nov 2023

Nicaragua. "We Shall Resist".

Repression, kidnappings, intimidation. The Catholic Church under siege. But ‘the hearts of the people…

01 Oct 2023

Cambodia. Two Sisters and a Church Reborn.

In Cambodia, Songvat and Tharin, today Sister Marie and Sister Teresa, are the first…

01 Oct 2023

Sierra Leone. Moringa Protein and Resistant Coffee.

There is no shortage of water, but floods are increasingly frequent. To enable families…

01 Oct 2023

South Africa. Catholic bishops back miners’ compensation claims for black lung…

Last August, Southern African bishops filed a class-action suit against a mining company that…

01 Oct 2023

Towards the 2023 Synod. Synodality, a path of renewal and conversion.

The synod on synodality focuses on the call for interior renewal and constant conversion.…

01 Sep 2023

Israel. At the Service of the Bedouin Communities.

Sister Lourdes García, a Mexican Comboni missionary, works in the Bedouin communities of Jahalin,…

01 Sep 2023

Uganda. “Giving our lives to the people of Karamoja”.

For over a hundred years, the Comboni Missionaries have been working in north-eastern Uganda.…

01 Sep 2023

India. Saving an Endangered Language.

Hrusso Aka, an indigenous language in northern India, was on the verge of extinction.…

01 Sep 2023

Ghana. The Church has a strong voice in Africa.

The challenge of the Pentecostal churches. Young people who only want to leave. The…

01 Aug 2023

Hakuna Movement. Changes nothing, changes everything.

Hakuna is setting the lives of many young people ablaze, inside and outside the…

01 Aug 2023

Zimbabwe. "Christians Must Enter Politics".

What the Catholic Church is doing and what role it is playing in this…

01 Aug 2023

Lebanon/Armenian Catholics. The Courage to Exist.

The history of the Armenian Catholic Church is made up of persecution but also…

01 Aug 2023

The Way of Santiago de Compostela. Ultreya, Don't Stop. Keep Going.

It is one of the best-known walks in the world. It is visited by…

01 Jul 2023

Kenya. A Social Enterprise, a Comboni Missionary Proposal.

The project has taken its first steps and has a triple objective: to enhance…

01 Jul 2023

Saudi Arabia. A Church of Migrants.

This month of July, Monsignor Paolo Martinelli celebrates one year since the beginning of…

01 Jul 2023

Mexico. The Priest who Challenges the Narcos with the News.

Being both a priest and a journalist represents the two most dangerous missions ever.…

01 Jul 2023

Brazil. Manaus. Sister Liliana and children of the favelas.

On the outskirts of the capital of the state of Amazonas, the Casa Mamãe…

01 Jun 2023

Chad. Promoting Integral Health.

At St Michael’s Hospital in Donomanga, Chad, a team of health professionals, co-ordinated by…

01 Jun 2023

The Philippines. Taking Different Paths.

The many challenges of Monsignor Pablo Virgilio David, bishop of the diocese of Kalookan,…

01 Jun 2023

Interreligious Dialogue. “We are all in the same boat”.

Share your faith. Approach the other without fear. Look to the future with hope.…

01 May 2023

Sixty Years Later. The Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris’ Taught that War…

Today, the atomic threat is less feared, but the risk of an increasingly widespread…

01 May 2023

Africa and the Synod. Walking Together.

The upcoming World Synod of Bishops and its preparations in synodal processes around the…

01 May 2023

Mozambique. Living the missionary spirit.

He received the appointment as auxiliary bishop with "fear and trembling". But with a…

01 May 2023

South Korea. A Change of Pace.

An outgoing church that experiences the presence of the Holy Spirit. The synodal journey…

01 Apr 2023

Rwanda. Mending Broken Hearts.

This April, Rwanda commemorates the 29th anniversary of the genocide. The bitter fruit of…

01 Apr 2023

Iraq. Maryam al-Adhra Monastery. An Open Space.

A visit to Maryam al-Adhra monastery; a place of dialogue and peace in Iraqi…

01 Apr 2023

India. At School with a Look of Love.

Sister Nancy Thomas recounts her experience at Nirmala Bhavan, an institution for blind girls…

01 Apr 2023

China. Matteo Ricci: the Dialogue of Friendship with the Celestial Empire.

The father of the Chinese Church has been declared venerable by Pope Francis. The…

01 Mar 2023

Kenya. ‘Making Our Dreams Come True’.

In northern Kenya, in the Samburu region, many young girls are married off to…

01 Mar 2023

DR Congo. Pope Francis. “Hands off Africa!”

“Africa: it is not a mine to be exploited or a land to be…

01 Mar 2023

South Sudan. Pope Francis. “We want to give wings to your…

To politicians: “It is time to move from words to deeds. It's time to…

01 Mar 2023

Towards the 2023 Synod. Dialogue. The Proposal of a Decalogue.

If ‘dialogue’ means ‘meeting through the word’ (‘dia-logos’), dialogue is necessary to walk together,…

01 Feb 2023

Guatemala. A Failed State.

Drug trafficking, corruption, the danger of fraud in the next presidential elections. The Church's…

01 Feb 2023

Mexico. A Sound that Calls for a Missionary Commitment.

The Comboni magazine ‘Esquila Misional’ celebrates 70 years of life. At the service of…

01 Feb 2023

Latin America. Liturgical Art at the Service of the Poor.

A Spanish Claretian, for 35 years a missionary in Latin America, Fr. Maximino Cerezo…

01 Feb 2023

Iraq. Lalish, the Sacred Heart of the Yazidis.

Persecuted and driven from their homeland, Sinjar, in Iraqi Kurdistan, Yazidis cling to their…

01 Jan 2023

South Africa. ‘A Missionary Parish, to Reach Out to Many…

The parish of St Daniel Comboni is located in the eastern part of Mamelodi,…

01 Jan 2023

South Africa. How the Rainbow Country Prays.

It is a nation with a Protestant majority, with a strong presence of independent…

01 Jan 2023

Bartholomew, The Green Patriarch.

In his long-serving ministry, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has unreservedly committed himself to the protection…

01 Jan 2023

Cuba. The Old Saint Lazarus. The Devotion of a People.

Every year thousands of people go to pay homage to Saint Lazarus in El…

01 Dec 2022

Bolivia. The Amerindian Dance that Welcomes The Child Jesus.

In Bolivia, it is the Chuntunqui musical rhythm that leads the celebration of Christmas…

01 Dec 2022

Islam. The Prophetic Voice of Women.

Amina Wadud, one of the most important theologians of Islam, criticizes the Islamic patriarchate,…

01 Dec 2022

Towards the 2023 Synod. The Church Walking Towards the Peripheries.

“It is not enough to say that the Church is missionary. It is necessary…

01 Dec 2022

Ethiopia. Churches join hands to promote a deal on the Nile…

The Coptic Church of Egypt and the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia are joining hands…

01 Nov 2022

Father Albert Nolan. The Challenge of the Gospel.

Anti-apartheid activist and internationally renowned theologian, Father Albert Nolan, died in the early hours…

01 Nov 2022

Uganda. A Comboni Father blessed.

On 20 November 2022, Comboni Father Joseph Ambrosoli will be beatified in Kalongo in…

01 Nov 2022

Father Albert Nolan. The Challenge of the Gospel.

Anti-apartheid activist and internationally renowned theologian, Father Albert Nolan, died in the early hours…

01 Nov 2022

Blessed Fr. Ambrosoli. A Great Gift .

We have asked mons. John Baptist Odama, Archbishop of Gulu in Uganda the meaning…

01 Nov 2022

Mozambique. Close to the People Despite Everything.

During the night, an armed group attacks the mission of Chipene, a small village…

01 Oct 2022

World Mission Sunday. “You shall be my witnesses”.

This year World Mission Day will be celebrated on Sunday, on 23 October, focused…

01 Oct 2022

Mexico. Missionary Dimension, Taking Off Your Sandals.

 The diocese of Ciudad Guzmán in the Mexican state of Jalisco has recently celebrated…

01 Oct 2022

Laurenti Magesa. An Ancestor of the Church in Africa and the…

The renowned African theologian Prof. Fr. Laurenti Magesa died on 11 August, in Dar…

01 Oct 2022

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Churches archive – summaries

Brazil.The Struggle of the Piquià Community Against the Mining Giants.

Carajàs is considered the largest open cast iron mine in the world, in the heart of…

01 Sep 2022, Churches September 2022

Towards the 2023 Synod. The Spirit Shows the Paths to…

From the diocese of Pando in the Bolivian Amazon region, Monsignor Eugenio Coter explains the horizons…

01 Sep 2022, Churches September 2022

Persecuted Church. "Someday, God will dry our tears".

Death, kidnapping, extortion, and intimidation have become a daily reality for many priests and religious, particularly…

01 Sep 2022, Churches September 2022

Ecuador. The Galapagos Islands. A Maritime Sanctuary.

Designing the 'Common House'. Overall pastoral care. The Synod: 'Live the experience of the pilgrims of…

01 Sep 2022, Churches September 2022

Kenya. The Thousand Faces of the Parish Community.

A large number of initiatives have been started in the parish of Kariobangi in the outskirts…

01 Aug 2022, Churches August 2022

XI Assembly of the World Council of Churches. A Courageous…

After last year's postponement due to Covid-19, the XI World Assembly of the WCC (World Council…

01 Aug 2022, Churches August 2022

Reflection. Daily Marys.

In the Central Latin-American tradition, devotion is strong to Our Lady with the child Jesus in…

01 Aug 2022, Churches August 2022

Towards the 2023 Synod. The Challenge of Listening.

‘Listening’ means taking on board the new geometry of the Church: circular, horizontal, ‘multifaceted’, decentralised, itinerant,…

01 Aug 2022, Churches August 2022

Latin America. ‘The Good Living Mystique’, in Daily Life.

The ‘Good Living’ is an integral way of perceiving and living life: everything is interconnected, and…

01 Jul 2022, Churches July 2022

DR Congo. An Oasis of Hope.

The Telema Mental Health Centre in Kinshasa is a place where the mentally ill are welcomed…

01 Jul 2022, Churches July 2022

Morocco. Tazert. “Our doors are open to all”.

Four African Sisters have restored life to a monastery founded in 1931 by a French Franciscan…

01 Jul 2022, Churches July 2022

Algeria. Brotherhood Is the New Frontier of Humanity.

The Mediterranean as a meeting place. Brotherhood as a sign of life. The canonization of Charles…

01 Jul 2022, Churches July 2022

Guinea-Bissau. The Gospel and Social Promotion.

Schools, female entrepreneurship, microcredit. These are some of the initiatives of the Oblates of Mary in…

01 Jun 2022, Churches June 2022

DR Congo. Side-by-side With Those Who Have Lost All Their…

Crowded cells, a corrupt judicial system, a health crisis aggravated by the Coronavirus. A Comboni nun…

01 Jun 2022, Churches June 2022

DR Congo. Bringing Back the Smile.

The Nyota Centre in Bukavu gives hope to many young girls who have suffered oppression and…

01 Jun 2022, Churches June 2022

Bolivia. The 'Andean romeria'. A Festive Path among Songs and…

The pilgrimages of the various Andean communities are a combination of ancestral traditions and Christian spirituality. The…

01 Jun 2022, Churches June 2022

Ukraine. Churches Divided by War.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is also having serious consequences on the ecclesial level in…

01 May 2022, Churches May 2022

Marian Shrines in Africa. The Great Devotion.

Many shrines and pilgrimage sites in honour of the Virgin Mary have sprung up throughout the…

01 May 2022, Churches May 2022

Mexico. Saint Joseph ‘the Worker’.

‘Labour Day’, is celebrated on the first of May along with the religious feast of ‘Saint…

01 May 2022, Churches May 2022

Kirill and Putin: complicity or subjection?

In theory, there has always been ‘harmony’, that is, close collaboration between church and state in…

01 May 2022, Churches May 2022

Colombia. Afro Centre. A Place of Sharing.

In Tumaco, Colombia, a decade ago, the Afro Youth Centre was established to enable young people…

01 Apr 2022, Churches April 2022

Jordan. A Hospital in the Land of Moab.

Since 1935, at Karak, in the poorest province of the country, the Comboni Sisters have been…

01 Apr 2022, Churches April 2022

Kirill I, The African.

There are over one hundred priests serving on the African continent who have left the Patriarchate…

01 Apr 2022, Churches April 2022

A year of grace and gratitude.

The Comboni Missionary Sisters celebrate the 150th year since their foundation. A year to recall the…

01 Apr 2022, Churches April 2022

Synodality. The Whole Church in creative journey of faith.

Pope Francis transforms the Synod of Bishops from an ‘event’ to a ‘process’, with the People…

01 Mar 2022, Churches March 2022

Morocco. The Al Mowafaqa Ecumenical Institute of Theology in Rabat.

The Al Mowafaqa Ecumenical Institute of Theology in Rabat, created at the initiative of the only…

01 Mar 2022, Churches March 2022

Egypt. The Copts. Second-class Citizens.

Since the 2011 Arab uprisings, Christians in Egypt have lived on a knife edge as they…

01 Mar 2022, Churches March 2022

Evangelizing in a Changing World.

In the face of epochal transformations, the missionary service is called to renew itself. A Comboni…

01 Mar 2022, Churches March 2022

Egypt. Anaphora, the Monastery of Encounter.

The situation of Christians in Egypt is that of a varied minority. They do not always…

01 Feb 2022, Churches February 2022

Catholic Radio Stations in Africa. Educating, Informing, Transforming.

There are more than two hundred radio, from Angola to Zambia reaching millions of people. They…

01 Feb 2022, Churches February 2022

Central African Republic. Working together for peace and stability.

Christians and Muslims work together to prevent Islamic radicalism from taking hold in the country. We…

01 Feb 2022, Churches February 2022

Desmond Tutu, the People’s Archbishop.

Symbol of non-violent resistance to apartheid and the creation of a new nation, Tutu (1931-2021, Nobel…

01 Feb 2022, Churches February 2022

Brazil. The Tree of the Land of the Free People.

To be a people and to make theology with the people.  Living the experience of God…

01 Jan 2022, Churches January 2022

China. The Itinerant Comboni Mission.

Twenty-five years have passed since a small group of Comboni missionaries arrived in Macao to start…

01 Jan 2022, Churches January 2022

Andean Spirituality. The Song of the Rivers.

Water is sacred in Andean culture. It is both life and a human right; they are increasingly…

01 Jan 2022, Churches January 2022

The Rock-hewn Churches of Ethiopia.

Tigray, a region of Ethiopia, guards a series of interesting churches, some of which are very…

01 Jan 2022, Churches January 2022

Bolivia. Under the spell of the rich mountain.

They toil in dark and poorly secured tunnels - always looking for the one good mine…

01 Dec 2021, Churches December 2021

Philippine. The Fiesta, joyful celebration.

The life of the Filipino villages and parishes is built around the “Fiesta”, a yearly celebration…

01 Dec 2021, Churches December 2021

Mexico. A Price on his Head.

The daily life of a Mexican priest, threatened with death and target of an organized smear…

01 Dec 2021, Churches December 2021

India. A chain of solidarity from organic cotton.

Some Franciscan Sisters have succeeded in combining tradition and innovation. The ‘Assisi Garments’ project is not…

01 Dec 2021, Churches December 2021

Ecuador. Bishop Eugenio Arellano: "I tried to give concrete answers…

After leading for twenty-six years the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas, on the north-western coast of Ecuador,…

01 Nov 2021, Churches November 2021

South Sudan. Sowing peace amid the violence.

A young man is killed. The family members arrange the vendetta. The blood of the culture…

01 Nov 2021, Churches November 2021

Brazil. Protection against Coronavirus in the Rainforest.

The Coronavirus pandemic has hit Brazil's indigenous people even harder than the rest of the population.…

01 Nov 2021, Churches November 2021

Little Sister Magdeleine on the way to sainthood.

Pope Francis has approved a decree on the heroic virtues of the Little Sister Magdeleine of…

01 Nov 2021, Churches November 2021

Mission. To the last breath.

Sixty Comboni Missionaries have died due to the Coronavirus with around 350 infected. Many of them…

01 Oct 2021, Churches October 2021

Mexico. Welcome to Tijuana.

The religious institutes have created a support network for the many migrants coming to the city…

01 Oct 2021, Churches October 2021

South Sudan. Being part of a universal Church.

An extremely polarised country where belonging to a family or clan is much more important than…

01 Oct 2021, Churches October 2021

DR of Congo. The state and the main churches clash…

A battle between the supporters of President Tshisekedi and the two main churches of the Congo…

01 Oct 2021, Churches October 2021

Morocco. Creating secure spaces.

The Diocesan Delegation for Tangier Migrants is a church organisation that receives migrants in the north…

01 Sep 2021, Churches September 2021

Peru. Against human trafficking during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Every two hours a woman disappears due to gender violence and human trafficking. Sister Benjamine Kimala…

01 Sep 2021, Churches September 2021

Colombia. Dreaming of a land free of the drugs trade.

It may be a small and insignificant place but Tumaco, in the south west of the…

01 Sep 2021, Churches September 2021

Talitha Kum. Stop Human Trafficking.

A worldwide network of consecrated life determined to put an end to the trafficking of persons…

01 Sep 2021, Churches September 2021

Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya. Death of the Moses of the…

Like Moses, Cardinal Monsengwo, who died in France 11 July last aged 81, fought for most…

01 Aug 2021, Churches August 2021

Israel. Nevé Shalom – Wahat al-Salam. An Oasis of Peace.

On a hill between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem stands a village that is an oasis of…

01 Aug 2021, Churches August 2021

Being Together and Sharing.

Two Comboni missionary sisters from DR Congo share their experience.  Compassion, commitment, and hope are the…

01 Aug 2021, Churches August 2021

South Sudan. Mission towards Reconciliation.

After ten years of the declaration of independence, South Sudan continue to suffer the drama of…

01 Aug 2021, Churches August 2021

The Philippines. The church in the sea.

In the Bay of Manila, north of the Philippine capital, it is already possible to see…

01 Jul 2021, Churches July 2021

Charles de Foucauld. The Gospel in the land of the…

Just over a century after he died as a martyr, Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916), who…

01 Jul 2021, Churches July 2021

Africa. Catechists. Unknown heroes and heroines of the faith.

With a new Apostolic Letter Antiquum Ministerium (Ancient Ministry), Pope Francis establishes the lay ministry of…

01 Jul 2021, Churches July 2021

Central African Republic. Giving Hope.

A country broken by years of civil war. The difficult journey towards reconstruction. The need for…

01 Jul 2021, Churches July 2021

Israel. Kuchinate, let’s all crochet.

Kuchinate is the name chosen by a group of African women seeking asylum in Israel. They…

01 Jun 2021, Churches June 2021

Africa. "The mission continues…"

A total of one hundred and thirty years those three Comboni missionaries spent in Africa. Three…

01 Jun 2021, Churches June 2021

The Central African Republic. Let’s start again together.

To recreate the social and interreligious fabric of a society torn by war, it is necessary…

01 Jun 2021, Churches June 2021

The Latin American Church in Assembly. The challenge of ‘Synodality’.

In Mexico City, from 21 to 28 November, the first ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and…

01 Jun 2021, Churches June 2021

Nigeria. Telling their tales of suffering.

Kidnappings, rapes and murders are part of daily life for many in the north of Nigeria.…

01 May 2021, Churches May 2021

DR Congo. Giving dignity and independence.

The Daniel Comboni House of the Comboni Missionary Sisters is a structure that assists the social…

01 May 2021, Churches May 2021

DR.Congo/Nigeria/Ghana. Towards new life.

On a hill in the city of Bukavu in the south of the DR Congo, a…

01 May 2021, Churches May 2021

Colombia. Bishop receives death threats.

For months he travels in an armoured car and an armed police escort. He did not…

01 May 2021, Churches May 2021

Sister Nathalie Becquart. To make History.

The meaning of the first appointment of a woman under-secretary of the most important Vatican Secretariat.…

01 Apr 2021, Churches April 2021

India. The apostle of the lepers.

Fifty years in India alongside the lepers. Curing their wounds but also rejoicing with each one…

01 Apr 2021, Churches April 2021

Philippines. 500 years of Christianity. Looking forward to the future.

In 2021 the Church in the Philippines marks half a millennium of Christianity.  “We are all…

01 Apr 2021, Churches April 2021

Fragile Peace in South Sudan.

There have been close to twelve peace agreements but they have failed to bring about significant…

01 Apr 2021, Churches April 2021

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Angie Torres. A refugee among refugees.

Forced to flee Colombia, she has managed to rebuild her life in Ecuador. Now she defends the human rights of migrants and in particular of…

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Brazil. The violin's sound.

There was a man who had an only son. When the man died, the son was left all alone in the world. There were not many…

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Youth & Mission

What do Africa's youth have to say about the future…

The latest African Youth Survey from the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, a leading African foundation promoting active citizenship across the continent, provides a comprehensive look at the…

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