
Youth & Mission

Towards the Jubilee of Youth with Pope Francis.

From July 28 to August 3, 2025. Young people are invited to meet and live the experience of the Jubilee together. The four paths that lead to the Jubilee of Hope. In recent months, Pope Francis has spoken out several times, inviting young people to believe in hope. The “hope that does not disappoint” with…

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“We young people, on the side of our wounded Lebanon”.

In the country of the cedars, dragged into the Middle Eastern conflict, two thousand Caritas volunteers take care of internally displaced people: more than a million, out of four and a half million inhabitants. “Among us, we are a family, beyond sectarian differences”. “A few days ago, while I was distributing hot meals in one…

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The African Youth. Innovations & Creativity.

With the highest percentage of her population made up of youth, Africa is a bed of opportunities for growth and prosperity. The African youth are a symbol of resilience, potential, creativity and determination in a changing and challenging world. The youth represent hope and vibrancy across the continent geared towards social change, economic growth, and…

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Celebrating African youth.

“Young Africans are playing an active role in bringing social change in the continent. They are contributing daily to the benefit of their communities and nations across Africa.” Africa boasts the world’s youngest population with more than sixty percent of its children aged below 25. It is estimated that by 2030, young Africans are expected…

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What do Africa’s youth have to say about the future of their world?

The latest African Youth Survey from the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, a leading African foundation promoting active citizenship across the continent, provides a comprehensive look at the perspectives, hopes and concerns of young people in 16 African countries. Now in its third iteration, the 2024 Survey reveals both encouraging signs of optimism as well as ongoing…

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Mission.The Joy of Giving and Receiving.

Three African Comboni Missionaries share their missionary life My name is Brother Ghislain Dagbeto from Togo. I remember that in my formative years I initially resisted invitations to go to church, shedding tears at the mere mention of it. But a crucial encounter at the age of twelve, just outside our home, changed the course…

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Universal Fraternity Can Change the World.

At last year’s World Youth Day in Lisbon, more than a million young people shared among themselves social friendship. Pope Francis calls this universal fraternity, proving a new fraternal order and world social experience possible. Universal fraternity refers to the unity and solidarity amongst all human beings, regardless of their differences. It is a vision…

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Tunisia. The future in the hands of young people.

While the country is in the grip of a serious economic crisis, in the oasis city of Tozeur, the OxyJeunes youth Centre focuses on schooling and civic education: “Today our children are agents of change”, the director Moufida Hachef tells us. Sugar, canned goods and some typical sweets are the products collected thanks to the…

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Mission. It’s worth it.

They come from three different continents: Asia, Africa and Latin America. They study theology in Granada Spain. The reason why they chose the mission. Here’s what they told us. My name is Tran Minh Thong, although my baptismal name is Peter. I was born in Vietnam on All Saints’ Day 1993. I was the youngest…

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A ‘Catholic Toolkit for Young Europeans’ ahead of 2024 EU elections.

As the 2024 European elections approach, COMECE (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union) has released the ‘Catholic Toolkit for Young Europeans’. This comprehensive toolkit aims to empower young people across Europe to actively engage in the democratic process, guided by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Developed by the COMECE Youth Platform,…

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The voices of young people. Some leave and some remain.

Leaving the Church does not mean abandoning the faith; moving away from the faith does not mean giving up one’s spirituality. Even though they are leaving the Christian community, many young people continue to feel like believers. Robert, a young university student, says: “On a personal level I don’t feel that I have lost my…

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Txai Suruí. “May our utopia be the future for the…

“Let’s stop the emissions of false and irresponsible promises, let’s put an end to the pollution of empty words and fight for a livable future and…

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The partridge and the hunter.

A long time ago, a young woman gave birth to a child armed with strings and arrows, as if fate had predestined him to become a…

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Youth & Mission

Towards the Jubilee of Youth with Pope Francis.

From July 28 to August 3, 2025. Young people are invited to meet and live the experience of the Jubilee together. The four paths that lead…

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