
Monthly Archives: May 2021

Herbs & Plants. Canarium schweinfurtii. A Medicinal Plant.

Known as African olive or bush candle, this tropical tree is highly beneficial to human beings. Medicinal plants have been utilized for different medicinal purposes for thousands of years. These medicinal plants are processed in different forms such as teas, decoctions, infusions, powders, tinctures, poultices, and other herbal formulations before admission for a given health…

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From Mother Earth to Earth’s Mothers.

Mother’s Day for the year 2021 is celebrated on Sunday, May 9th. It is a time to honor mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers for their contribution to family and society. What about those mothers who are the primary providers for the majority of the world’s 925 million hungry people? Women produce 60 to 80 per cent of all food, both…

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Rare-Earth Elements. A new Eldorado.

The sustainable future of humanity is bound by a double cord to the Rare Earth Elements (REEs) due to their special electromagnetic properties, both magnetic and optic. For the most part unfamiliar, there are the 17 metals of the periodic table of chemical elements, with colours varying from grey to silver. Bright, malleable and ductile,…

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The Leopard and the Hare.

Once upon a time there was some trouble between a leopard and a hare. The leopard had cheated the hare of his goat. As the leopard could not find the means to repay the hare, the leopard asked the hare to go with him to visit some kinsfolk on an island where he might obtain…

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Nigeria. Telling their tales of suffering.

Kidnappings, rapes and murders are part of daily life for many in the north of Nigeria. Boko Haram continues on its path of violence and destruction. Stories of suffering and pain. The Church stays by the side of the people.  There are some days that are carved into memory and never leave us. The memories…

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Ghana. Living and dying in Agbogbloshie.

Agbogbloshie, in Accra, the capital of Ghana, is one of the largest waste dumps for electronic appliances in the world and the workplace of thousands of people who are daily exposed to some of the most toxic substances resulting in premature death. We went to see the dump. Sule uses a hammer to strike what…

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The Energy Charter Treaty. A New Threat to Africa.

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is an international treaty that came into force in the last decade of the last century. The ECT is a multilateral investment agreement signed by more than 50 countries and its main objective is to ensure the protection of investors in the energy sector, especially transnational companies operating in coal,…

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Music. Fatima Said. Enchanting Voice.

Capable, beautiful and full of positive energy, the Egyptian soprano Fatma Said with her formidable voice has won her place on the most prestigious lyrical venues. Her success is also due to the efforts of her family who supported her every time the burden of prejudices and common places seemed to suggest she place her…

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DR Congo. Giving dignity and independence.

The Daniel Comboni House of the Comboni Missionary Sisters is a structure that assists the social rehabilitation of young women so that they can manage their own lives independently and with dignity. We visited the House. Daniel Comboni Social House is to be found in the Kimbondo quarter on the outskirts of Kinshasa. Originally, the…

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Cyril Ramaphosa and the struggle for reform in South Africa.

Respected by public opinion and the international community, Ramaphosa has to fight against the various factions and groups within the ANC. The economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic  are hampering further reform efforts. It is now just over three years since Cyril Ramaphosa became president of South Africa, taking over from Jacob Zuma, whose nine…

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DR.Congo/Nigeria/Ghana. Towards new life.

On a hill in the city of Bukavu in the south of the DR Congo, a centre has been built to take in girls accused of witchcraft. In the deep south of Nigeria, a Sister fights against ancient beliefs and in a rural diocese of Ghana, the Church works to give hope to many children.…

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Cote d’Ivoire. Old and new challenges.

Former President Laurent Gbagbo has received the green light to take back his role on the political scene of Cote d’Ivoire. Apparently, he has now the possibility to engage again in the fight for predominance that he has been fighting for thirty years. A fight that risks tearing the country apart. On 31st March 2021,…

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India. Alok Shukla. Dedicating his life for the protection of…

He led a successful community campaign that saved 445,000 acres of biodiversity-rich forests from 21 planned coal mines in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.…

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The flower of Quetzal.

At that time, Prince Ulmac, 'The One from the Water Palace', who had ascended the throne in 'Year Nine of the Rabbit', reigned in Tollan. His…

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Youth & Mission

Mission.The Joy of Giving and Receiving.

Three African Comboni Missionaries share their missionary life My name is Brother Ghislain Dagbeto from Togo. I remember that in my formative years I initially resisted invitations…

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