
Yearly Archives: 2025

It is more complex than it seems.

Donald Trump is set to take office this month after being re-elected in the 2024 US presidential elections. His comeback has sparked considerable unease across foreign governments, including Washington’s allies and Asian rivals. During his first term in office (2017-2021), unpredictability was a hallmark of Trump’s foreign policy: he sought to facilitate dialogue between North-…

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Peace as plurality and a critical sense.

Sometimes one has the impression that personal honour and prestige are considered much more important than the truth and interests of the community. And so, one is ready to sacrifice the entire community, the basic principles of common life and even the lives of others for one’s interests. This is a true alienation of one’s…

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Africa. Forecast 2025. A challenging year for democracy.

This year looks set to be another difficult one for democracy in Africa. In the Sahel, at least three elections have been postponed. Elsewhere, they risk being unfair or triggering violence, while a growing number of leaders are changing the rules to stay in power indefinitely. In North Africa, Egypt is due to hold parliamentary…

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Vietnam. Music. “Sounds of Brotherhood”.

Thanks to a World Youth Orchestra project, a group of orphaned or abandoned children welcomed by the Missionaries of Charity had the opportunity to take part in music and singing workshops. Discovering talents and potential. With its ultra-modern skyscrapers, its wide and very busy streets, but above all its endless suburbs, Ho Chi Minh City…

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The Palaver. A traditional African path to peace.

Peace depends on the community’s ability to intervene in problematic situations and resolve conflicts by re-establishing justice and truth. Every peace is built based on justice and equity and not on the annihilation of the other. The art of politics consists precisely in the ability to know how to resolve conflicts creatively without giving rise…

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West Africa. Hezbollah. Financing to the Party of God.

The Lebanese movement relies on a mafia-like, opaque system rooted in the Shiite diaspora, which also uses the laundering of proceeds from illicit trafficking networks to reach Shiite neighbourhoods in Beirut. In Abidjan, especially around the al-Mahdi Mosque in the Shiite neighbourhood of Marcory, many have been in mourning for days after the killing, last…

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Harmonious Peace.

One could also define ‘Palaver’ as a common search through the word to maintain the integrity of the community, that is, to promote life through a reconciliation that creates peace. It is an effort by all to ensure peace. It is an active search through dialogue, through the word to establish a peace based on…

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Burkina Faso. Maimouna Ba. The “Mother of Sahel”.

In Burkina Faso, the ‘Mother of the Sahel’ brings education and hope to forcibly displaced children. As conflict forced thousands of children to flee to the safety of her hometown, Maimouna Ba rallied the community to provide support and education. Born and raised in Dori, in the far northeast of Burkina Faso, Maimouna Ba was…

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The African Youth. Innovations & Creativity.

With the highest percentage of her population made up of youth, Africa is a bed of opportunities for growth and prosperity. The African youth are a symbol of resilience, potential, creativity and determination in a changing and challenging world. The youth represent hope and vibrancy across the continent geared towards social change, economic growth, and…

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USA/Africa. Uncertain Future.

Donald Trump as President of the United States could have important consequences for Africa. These could include higher trade tariffs, less development aid and less political conditionality on human rights.  However, Trump’s unpredictable nature may hold surprises for Africans. According to Afreximbank’s 2024 Trade Report, the United States has become a secondary trading partner, accounting…

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Mexico. An Aztec Legend. The Princess of the Night.

As the sun sets over the stony plateau of Mexico, a beautiful white flower opens its corolla among the blade-like thorns of the Cereus Nycticalis: it is called the Princess of the Night. When the king of Michoacan sent out the town criers to the villages and districts, all the maidens came out from their…

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Mission. Giving hope despite everything.

Three Comboni Missionaries are sharing their experience with displaced people, young drug addicts and Christian communities. Mozambique. Sister María del Amor Puche talks about the difficulties faced by people caught between guerrilla groups and refugee camps. Insecurity and fear. Commitment to women. Small microcredit projects. I live in Balama, in the Diocese of Pemba, in…

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Burkina Faso. Maimouna Ba. The “Mother of Sahel”.

In Burkina Faso, the ‘Mother of the Sahel’ brings education and hope to forcibly displaced children. As conflict forced thousands of children to flee to the…

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Mexico. An Aztec Legend. The Princess of the Night.

As the sun sets over the stony plateau of Mexico, a beautiful white flower opens its corolla among the blade-like thorns of the Cereus Nycticalis: it…

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Youth & Mission

The African Youth. Innovations & Creativity.

With the highest percentage of her population made up of youth, Africa is a bed of opportunities for growth and prosperity. The African youth are a…

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