

Montenegro between Russia and the European Union.

Montenegro is a small but strategic Balkan state, a member of NATO and a candidate for entry into the EU, with dependence on the Russian capitals of oligarchs close to the Kremlin. Will the country be able to reduce Russian economic influence and support the reforms needed by the European Union? Montenegro obtained independence from…

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The Republic of Cyprus. Towards new waves of migration.

An island divided between two states with a buffer zone under the control of the UN at its centre. It is subject to the various interests of the great powers in the eastern Mediterranean. The migration issue makes Cyprus the country with the highest rate of asylum seekers in the entire European Union. The upheavals…

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France. Sowing Hope in the Suburbs of Marseille.

In the northern districts of Marseille, a drug trafficking stronghold, people grow up surrounded by marginalization and violence. Here, some Catholic groups have chosen to share life with the residents, almost all of whom are Muslim, to create a brotherhood and promote development. To access the city of Campagne-Lévêque, with its ochre public housing blocks,…

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Slovakia. The simplicity of an encounter.

The Little Sisters of Jesus live their contemplative and active lives in fraternity. They work among those marginalized: immigrants, precarious workers and township dwellers. They try to find beauty and greatness where only degradation and misery are imagined. Sr Anna offers her witness as a worker in a laundry in Slovakia. I have been working…

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The Role of France in the Indo-Pacific.

The French administration of Emmanuel Macron has given a strong impetus to its foreign policy in the context of the Indo-Pacific. This is a region of the world with a long historical tradition for the geopolitical interests of the Elysée and which today has become one of its priorities. As explained in the 2019 document…

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Hakuna Movement. Changes nothing, changes everything.

Hakuna is setting the lives of many young people ablaze, inside and outside the confines of the Church, through prayer, music, formation and service to those in need. The name Hakuna which means ‘there is not’, in Swahili, came as a shortened form of Hakuna matata (no problem). Chosen by chance, it ended up embodying…

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The Way of Santiago de Compostela. Ultreya, Don’t Stop. Keep Going.

It is one of the best-known walks in the world. It is visited by thousands of pilgrims every year. Let’s retrace the journey from its birth between faith and history. The geography of the religious world, the Catholic one in particular, is crisscrossed by a web of paths that unite places that are significant from…

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Transnistria. In the Shadow of the Kremlin.

It is not recognized by any state, but, to all intents and purposes, it is independent: from the border to Tiraspol, between checkpoints and the still visible signs of the 1992 war. A journey to a country that does not exist, officially. A prefabricated container interrupts the two-lane road connecting Chisinau to Tiraspol. The cars…

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Europe. Drug-trafficking Ports.

The ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp have become the main entry hubs for cocaine in Europe These are two large structures, not just for the enormous number of containers handled every year, but also because they have become the two main hubs on European soil that are used by drug traffickers. In itself, a port…

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The EU and the Fight against Climate Change.

The fight against climate change is now on the agendas of all major global political players. The objective of the European Union is to play a decisive role in the fight to save the planet through its internal and foreign politics. Will the EU be able to act as a model on a global level?…

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Sami. An indigenous European people.

The Sami have always lived in the far north of the continent. Historically oppressed and assimilated, they are today fighting to keep their culture and traditions. All despite advancing modernisation. The Sami are an indigenous people numbering around 75,000. They are divided by the borders of four countries – Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia –…

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Bulgaria. Social breakdown.

The Bulgarian demographic crisis is the one that is most critical due to the speed at which it is taking place. Here, too, there is a high probability that in the near future the Romani may become the most numerous ethnic group in the country. In this regard, the United Nations predict that in Bulgaria,…

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Nada Fadol. “We are all one soul”.

A recent morning, a group of refugees, mostly men and women from Sudan and Syria, filled the waiting room of a centre run by the…

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The Treasure of Friendship.

A man had two sons. Their names were Rafiki and Tambu. One day he decided to teach them a lesson. He called them early in the…

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Youth & Mission

“We young people, on the side of our wounded Lebanon”.

In the country of the cedars, dragged into the Middle Eastern conflict, two thousand Caritas volunteers take care of internally displaced people: more than a million,…

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