

News & Analysis articles from the past 3 months

Niger. Jihadists aiming for Niamey.

The most serious threat is that the extremists will expand south and close the access routes to the capital. The military actions of the military junta have so far brought little results. Civilian casualties have increased. After the latest coup in Niger, all the countries in the central Sahel region are governed by military juntas…

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DR. Congo. Apple accused of buying conflict minerals by Kinshasa.

The DRC government accuses Apple of buying conflict minerals and funding armed groups in the east of the country. However, boycotts of these minerals and sanctions have so far proved ineffective in curbing the violence. On 25 April, lawyers hired by the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) accused American tech giant Apple…

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Africa. To make a difference.

A climate activist, a cultural producer and a writer. Three African women with a proposal: Redefining the African narrative. Vanessa Nakate is much more than an African Greta Thunberg because the reality of the continent is more complex than that of Europe when reflecting on the effects of climate change. But the Swedish activist inspired…

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Guinea Bissau. Democracy can wait.

President Sissoco Embaló does not tolerate dissonant voices and continues to present himself as an authoritarian normalizer of political life. However, he does not control parliament and a second presidential term is not certain. Since before gaining independence, Guinea-Bissau has been the scene of personalistic disputes and individual ambitions. The assassination of Amílcar Cabral, the…

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DR. Congo. New Patriots.

Violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has intensified in recent months. With the M23 rebels occupying more and more space and the United Nations mission (MONUSCO) expected to end before 2025, self-defence groups are increasingly taking centre stage. They want arms. They don’t care what sort they are, who sells them to…

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Senegal. Stories of colours and pains.

In Saint Louis, in the north of Senegal, boat building is one of the most deeply rooted activities among the population at large. The bright colours and texture say a lot about their owners, their profession and their goals. Fishermen and migrants share both space and an uncertain future. Mamadou is sitting on a wooden…

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Guinea Bissau. The environment and the local culture, keys to development at Bijagós.

How to improve the relationship between local communities and the environment. The great wealth of biodiversity of the Bijagós archipelago. The inhabitants are the custodians of their ecosystem. The rainy season begins and with it the turtle counting activities in the João Vieria Poilão Marine National Park (PNMJVP). This area belongs to the Bijagós archipelago,…

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Sahel. The new cold war expands to Africa.

While the world’s attention is focused on Ukraine and Gaza, the expulsion of French and American troops from Niger is the worst setback for the Western powers since their withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Russia, China and the jihadists are reaping the rewards of this historic defeat. Less than four decades after the Cold War,…

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The Svalbard islands, the Russian challenge to NATO in the Arctic ice.

The Svalbard archipelago, in the far North of the Arctic, has been an object of deep geopolitical interest for the Russian Federation for decades. The area is still governed by the 1920 Treaty, which gave Norway limited sovereignty over the archipelago. The Treaty of Svalbard, drawn up in 1920, established Norwegian sovereignty over the archipelago,…

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Angola – DR Congo – Zambia. The Lobito corridor. The mineral railway.

This infrastructure will change the trade routes of Southern Africa. It will be used, above all, as a route for the transport of critical raw materials and strategic minerals. American, European and Chinese interests. It was in 1902 that the Portuguese administration undertook the construction of the Benguela railway, 430 km from Luanda. As often…

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Global military spending surges amid war, rising tensions and insecurity.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), total global military expenditure reached $2443 billion in 2023, an increase of 6.8 per cent in real terms from 2022. This was the steepest year-on-year increase since 2009. The 10 largest spenders in 2023 – led by the United States, China and Russia – all increased…

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Djibouti. Conflicts of Interest.

The country is closely watching the ongoing tensions in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The small barracks state, dealing with a cumbersome tenant like the USA, risks losing its centrality due to the memorandum of understanding between Ethiopia and Somaliland. If there is a man who has been touching the hot issues…

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news archive – summaries

Chinese Energy Expansion in Central Asia.

China is investing more and more in Central Asia, especially because of Russia’s weakened position, as…

01 Apr 2024

The EU and the “-stan” countries.

Central Asia plays a crucial role in the geopolitical agenda of many countries, including those of…

01 Apr 2024

Mexico/Usa. “Yes, we can”: the school bus for migrant children.

On the border between Mexico and the United States, a bus converted into a classroom offers…

01 Apr 2024

South Africa. The most crucial election since the end of…

Thirty years after Nelson Mandela’s election, South Africa will hold the most crucial ballot in a…

01 Apr 2024

The Horn of Africa Unprotected.

A political earthquake in the Middle East with strong repercussions, also for the economy, on the…

01 Mar 2024

The Kimberley Process. The stones of conflict.

The West aims to sanction the Kremlin also in the diamond market of which Russia is…

01 Mar 2024

The Republic of Cyprus. Towards new waves of migration.

An island divided between two states with a buffer zone under the control of the UN…

01 Mar 2024

Nigeria. At the top of the crime world.

Africa’s most populated country and leading economy boasts the continent’s highest crime index and cumulates all…

01 Mar 2024

Smart Cities on the Asian geopolitical scene.

The development of smart cities in ASEAN countries is of fundamental importance to respond to the…

01 Feb 2024

A Turkish fleet of power stations comes to Africa’s rescue.

Africa has the lowest access to electricity in the world. For a few years, a Turkish…

01 Feb 2024

Sudan. The forgotten catastrophe.

While the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine are attracting most media and Western attention, a potentially…

01 Feb 2024

Africa. The Drone Market.

South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria, and Egypt produce their own. However, around twenty African countries are purchasing…

01 Feb 2024

Asia. Uneasy Scenarios.

The new year comes not only with a wide series of events, starting with important elections…

01 Jan 2024

Elections 2024. From “Confirmed” to “Unknown”.

 Russia, Ukraine, the European Union, and the United States. An intense year of elections in the…

01 Jan 2024

Africa. Insecurity and Fear.

If the current dynamics in the security field continue, and there are no signs of a…

01 Jan 2024

Africa. Political forecast 2024.

The ongoing jihadist expansion in the Sahel region and attempts to stop it, the aftermath of…

01 Jan 2024

Burkina Faso, Mali e Niger: the New Military Alliance in…

The military juntas of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have signed the Liptako-Gourma Charter, establishing the…

01 Dec 2023

Underwater Environment. The New El Dorado.

The vast riches of the seabed. Crucial role in communications. Technological innovations. Gas pipeline sabotage. The…

01 Dec 2023

Comoros. The ‘Next Djibouti’ for Beijing.

The World Bank continues to finance the upgrading of the ports of the Comoros islands, where…

01 Dec 2023

The new, Pharaonic Capital of Egypt.

The Cairo metropolis, one of the most populous in the world, is collapsing. So, President al-Sisi…

01 Dec 2023

Africa. Alternative Energies.

Many African governments continue to focus on fossil fuels. And, despite enormous potential, investment in renewable…

01 Nov 2023

African Startup, an Expanding Universe.

The projects of young technological entrepreneurs in healthcare, agriculture, the environment, logistics, finance and e-commerce are multiplying. Agile,…

01 Nov 2023

Angola. MPLA Party and Family Affairs.

The country's diamond, copper, gold, and manganese mines are in the hands of a circle of…

01 Nov 2023

Mauritius. An African success story.

For many African countries, political independence from the colonial powers has not brought the hoped-for economic…

01 Nov 2023

Captagon. The New Drug of those Fighting in Syria.

It has spread to the entire Persian Gulf, representing, to date, a new threat also for…

01 Oct 2023

Ethiopia. A country is falling apart.

Less than one year after the war in Tigray, Ethiopia has been hit by another conflict…

01 Oct 2023

The Role of France in the Indo-Pacific.

The French administration of Emmanuel Macron has given a strong impetus to its foreign policy in…

01 Oct 2023

Central African Republic. The Queen of the gold mines.

Zhao Baomei controls the country's gold market. With her IMC, she has received numerous licenses, particularly…

01 Oct 2023

Mauritania. Caught in the Nets of the Fishing Mafia.

The fishing tradition goes back a long way in Mauritania. But as more and more Chinese…

01 Sep 2023

World Bank. New President, Old Doubts.

Marrakech will host the annual assemblies of the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund…

01 Sep 2023

Africa. UN Peacekeeping missions in crisis.

Last June, the UN Security Council ended the mandate of MINUSMA in Mali while the DRC…

01 Sep 2023

Papua New Guinea, the island of dreams.

Gold, oil, gas, rare minerals, huge deposits and international demands on this Oceania state inhabited by…

01 Sep 2023

The Forgotten Conflict/Kashmir. A Decades-Long Crisis in the Heart of…

Kashmir, a small Himalayan region claimed by India and Pakistan, is the protagonist of a frozen…

01 Aug 2023

Chad. Navigating into Political Storms.

The regional ramifications of the clash in Khartoum have important appendages in N'Djamena. In fact, the…

01 Aug 2023

Africa. Democracy and Human Rights: the EU offers a weak…

Over the last months, democracy and human rights have been endangered in several African countries. But…

01 Aug 2023

Zimbabwe. Towards the General Elections.

Years of protests and violent repression. The results of the Motlanthe Commission, which called for accountability…

01 Aug 2023

DR Congo. Lake Kivu. The Explosive Secret.

It is one of the most dangerous basins in the world for the gases contained in…

01 Jul 2023

Kenya. The Search for Popular Wisdom.

A group of educators, supported by Tangaza University College, have embarked on a civic education path…

01 Jul 2023

Africa. Sun, Water and Wind. The Riches of the Continent.

Africa's development prospects are increasingly linked to the ecological transition. Solar, wind and green hydrogen could…

01 Jul 2023

Africa. More Drinking Water from the Sea.

North African countries, in particular, are trying to cope with water shortages with new desalination plants.…

01 Jul 2023

Egypt. Between Crisis and Ambition.

The country is trying everything to recover from the deep economic crisis deriving, first, from the…

01 Jun 2023

DRC - China. The honeymoon is over.

The honeymoon is over between the World’s first cobalt producer, the Democratic Republic of Congo and…

01 Jun 2023

Kenya. Savings and Credits in Cooperative.

An initiative of the Huruma Self-Help Group, it makes credit accessible to that segment of the…

01 Jun 2023

Africa. The New Eldorado of Beer.

Competing for the continent are the French Groupe Castel and the Dutch Heineken. An informal economy strongly…

01 May 2023

DR Congo. North and South Kivu, Security Companies, Business…

In the eastern regions of the country, strong presence of Wagner paramilitaries, arms traffickers, and former…

01 May 2023

Libya. The missing Uranium: a boomerang effect of NATO’s attack…

The revelation that 2.5 tonnes of uranium were missing from a warehouse in Southern Libya, by…

01 May 2023

Mozambique. The Tete Mines Business.

The extraction and export of fossil deposits from the Mozambican province has grown in recent years.…

01 May 2023

Latin America. Lithium Is a Key Resource for the Future.

Lithium is an increasingly important resource for clean energy systems of the future. Latin America, very…

01 Apr 2023

Israeli spooks sought to influence 30 elections around the world,…

By mid-February of this year, an investigation team of journalists from 30 outlets, including the London…

01 Apr 2023

Mali. Taking over African Lithium.

Australians and Chinese are investing in a project that could soon make the Sahelian country the…

01 Apr 2023

Niger. Challenging Climate Change.

Climatic conditions make agricultural work in the Sahel more and more difficult. One of the countries…

01 Apr 2023

Japan and the Philippines Closer to Responding to China.

The two countries are preparing to increase cooperation in the military and strategic fields. Both countries…

01 Mar 2023

Africa. Close to the People.

Three African women speak of their social commitment. Kenyan Catherine Ngila is one of the most…

01 Mar 2023

Africa. The French Group Bolloré Changes Strategy.

The sale of the logistics segment to the Mediterranean Shipping Company of the Italian-Swiss shipowner Gianluigi…

01 Mar 2023

Zimbabwe. Big Brother is watching you with a little help…

The country is embarking on a vast Cybercity project and on the promotion of digital technology.…

01 Mar 2023

The USA in Africa. Boots on the ground.

The presence of American soldiers on the field is still strategic. General Michael Langley, the new…

01 Feb 2023

Postcard from Ghana. The Culture of Sewing.

Sewing and fabrics speak of Ghana, not only for the millions of dollars that the sector…

01 Feb 2023

Lesotho. The Troubled Waters.

The wealth generated by the abundance of water has not prevented the increasingly vulnerable country from…

01 Feb 2023

The DRC vows to become a world leader in car…

The country has the ambition to become the world leader in batteries for electric cars. But…

01 Feb 2023

Africa Political Forecast 2023.

Elections in the most populated country of the continent, Nigeria, and the expansion of jihadism are…

01 Jan 2023

UN. 2023. The International Year of Millet.

The cultivation and consumption of millet is a response to the challenges posed by population growth,…

01 Jan 2023

Africa’s Hotspots in 2023.

The outbreak of war in Ukraine showed that a conflict could begin in any moment. The…

01 Jan 2023

Asia 2023. A Year of Uncertainty.

In 2023, Asia will be a continent of global uncertainties, regional trends and attempts at recovery.…

01 Jan 2023

Africa. Emerging Companies, the Challenge of Urbanuch.

Today the challenges multiply in African cities while their inhabitants have access to many more services,…

01 Dec 2022

South Africa. Joburg. Towards Social and Urban Renewal.

Johannesburg or Joburg, as it is called, is one of the fifty largest cities in the…

01 Dec 2022

Good Science Made in Africa.

More than 300 African researchers have conducted research of considerable scientific and practical impact on variants…

01 Dec 2022

Transnistria. In the Shadow of the Kremlin.

It is not recognized by any state, but, to all intents and purposes, it is independent:…

01 Dec 2022

Do the current protests against the hijab in Iran threaten…

Protests in Iran continue but, despite the brutal repression by the state, the determination of young…

01 Nov 2022

Nigeria.Oil theft is sinking Africa’s first economy.

Whereas other oil producers are boasting from substantial revenues as a result of high crude prices…

01 Nov 2022

FIFA World Cup/Africa. Dreaming Qatar.

Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, and Senegal will represent Africa in Qatar for the 2022 FIFA World…

01 Nov 2022

Kenya Elections 2022: What's Next?

Can William Ruto, the new Kenya president, provide the change that Kenyans are demanding? The General…

01 Nov 2022

Africa. The Gas Routes .

Out of 55 African countries, only 18 produce gas, although 87 per cent of African production…

01 Oct 2022

Africa. The World of the Albinos.

Fierce superstitions marginalize those who have inherited the lack of melanin and sometimes endanger their lives.…

01 Oct 2022

African Union. Twenty Years Later.

The supranational institution has worked to prevent conflicts but has not achieved the expected results. The…

01 Oct 2022

DR Congo. Oil exploration in protected areas causes outcry from…

By early 2023, controversial oil exploration will start in protected areas and world strategic ecosystems in…

01 Oct 2022

Frontier’s Story. In the Shade of the Mango Trees.

For thirty years, Yeyo wandered from plantation to plantation in southern Mexico. Undocumented, humiliated, and oppressed,…

01 Sep 2022

Africa. Under the Threat of Hackers.

Cybercrime is spreading more and more on the continent, causing damage to businesses and people. The…

01 Sep 2022

Tea. From the Leaf to the Cup.

Second only to water, tea is the drink most consumed in the world. Served hot or…

01 Sep 2022

Africa. Chocolate Can Be Sustainable.

Deforestation, exploitation of labour, including minors and the use of pesticides. All too often chocolate has…

01 Sep 2022

DRC/Rwanda. The East African Community destabilized by the rebel upsurge…

A rebel upsurge in Eastern Congo has led to a spectacular rise of tensions between the…

01 Aug 2022

Africa. World Press Freedom Index. Digital authoritarianism.

Censorship, information regulation, isolation from the outside world. These are the new ways in which digital…

01 Aug 2022

Africa.Conquering Space.

Adopt a common political space strategy. Develop a constellation of satellites ‘made in Africa’ capable of…

01 Aug 2022

Ukraine war and climate change help Namibia to sell its…

The country’s solar and wind huge potential coinciding with Europe’s need to diversify its energy mix…

01 Aug 2022

U.S. Bill brings back cold war to Africa.

A new American bill is bringing back the cold war in Africa by summoning African states…

01 Jul 2022

Guatemala. Tana’s Sandals.

She never once bought an ice cream. She never had a day off. She has always…

01 Jul 2022

Africa. African Art. Recovering Its Own Story.

At least 90% of African cultural heritage is currently outside the continent, mainly in European museums.…

01 Jul 2022

Africa. “Our social commitment”.

Three young African women from different backgrounds recount the story of their social commitment as they…

01 Jul 2022

Can Africa offer an alternative for Russian oil and gas…

The EU’s plan of an oil embargo on Russia and to reduce its gas imports from…

01 Jun 2022

Mauritania. The mysterious and solitary Nemadi.

A small people of Mauritania compelled to change their lifestyle to survive. They once lived in the…

01 Jun 2022

Women Rangers. Defending Mother Nature.

From Zimbabwe to South Africa and Kenya, Women Rangers are fiercely defending wildlife against poachers. In their…

01 Jun 2022

UK-Rwanda. “Offshoring migrants”: a controversial deal.

The UK and Rwanda have signed an unprecedented deal to transfer asylum seekers to the tiny…

01 Jun 2022

South Africa. The Energy Transition has to wait.

Beyond the government's policy statements, the country will not start turning its back on fossil fuels…

01 May 2022

Namibia. Namib, the Living Desert.

The oldest desert in the world: a sea of sand caressed by ubiquitous fog. It seems…

01 May 2022

Sierra Leone. Improving the Quality of Life.

Making the most populous city in the country an example of urban planning and environmental balance.…

01 May 2022

"Islam Needs Illuminism".

Islam must rediscover the tools of reason and the tolerance of origins. Thus, reopening the minds…

01 May 2022

Chad. A Mortgaged Country.

The interests of multinationals often coincide with those of the leaders of some countries. Chad and…

01 Apr 2022

Mexico. Towards a New Phase of Militarization.

Three years after the establishment of the Guardia Nacional, created for the ‘prevention and fight against…

01 Apr 2022

Africa-Europe. The EU offers an alternative to China’s Belt and…

Confronted with China’s growing influence in Africa, at the last AU-EU summit, the Europeans have come…

01 Apr 2022

China and the Great Game in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.

The Indo-Pacific quadrant is now characterised by a significant military build-up in constant growth. The protagonists are…

01 Apr 2022

Africa on the Web.

It is the new frontier of the Google and Facebook Web colossi that will invest billions…

01 Mar 2022

Electronic Refuse Flooding East Africa.

For years now, tens of thousands of tons of electric and electronic material have been poured…

01 Mar 2022

Sahel. A war increasingly difficult to win.

France and the EU announced the withdrawal of their troops from Mali. The jihadists may reap…

01 Mar 2022

Europe. Drug-trafficking Ports.

The ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp have become the main entry hubs for cocaine in Europe…

01 Mar 2022

Gulf of Guinea: the new hotspot of the US-China rivalry.

In the context of the US military presence in Taiwan and US Navy incursions in the…

01 Feb 2022

Latin America 2022. The Coming Back of the Left.

After the victory of the left in Honduras and Chile, now attention is centred on Colombia…

01 Feb 2022

Iraq. The Madans live on the water. At risk.

In the Mesopotamian swamps, people live in symbiosis with five-thousand-year-old waters. This treasure of biodiversity is…

01 Feb 2022

Zimbabwe. Business Creates Agreement.

After the expropriations of the lands of the white ranchers during the Mugabe era, the aristocratic…

01 Feb 2022

Burundi. When Rare Earths come before Human Rights.

On the last 19 November, President Joe Biden created shock and indignation among human rights activists…

01 Jan 2022

Zambia. Dignity and Survival.

The slums surrounding the centre of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, can be classified by their…

01 Jan 2022

Africa. Hotspots 2022.

This year there will be different hotspots in Africa. But two of them will have a…

01 Jan 2022

Africa forecast 2022.

The return to the constitutional order in three countries hit by military coups, the downsizing of…

01 Jan 2022

Africa. The boom of e-commerce.

As use of the Internet grows, so does the number of consumers who shop online. A surprising fact: the…

01 Dec 2021

New Technologies and Geopolitical Balances.

The changes taking place in the sectors of new technologies related to 5G, internet, automation, robotisation,…

01 Dec 2021

The Expansion of Cryptocurrency in Africa.

The African crypto-economy has grown over 1200% over the last two years. Moreover, five countries in…

01 Dec 2021

Africa. Forward to 2027, the new single currency.

The pandemic and the doubts of some countries have postponed the adoption of the Eco, the…

01 Dec 2021

The EU and the Fight against Climate Change.

The fight against climate change is now on the agendas of all major global political players.…

01 Nov 2021

Lebanon. A failed state.

More than one year has already passed since a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at…

01 Nov 2021

Nigeria. Half a century after the war, secessionist tensions again…

Over 50 years after the Biafra secession war, situation has become extremely tense in South-Eastern Nigeria. Repression…

01 Nov 2021

Climate migrants. The great exodus.

The great climate migration has already begun. The number of people fleeing their birth country is…

01 Nov 2021

Nigeria. Dashed hopes.

A year after the youth protests that shook the most populated country of Africa. The justice…

01 Oct 2021

The Talibans’ victory is boosting the jihadists’ morale in Africa.

The defeat of the US and their allies in Afghanistan is having consequences in Africa. It…

01 Oct 2021

Africa. Islamic finance. Followed only by a few.

Even though a significant increase in the numbers of those following Islam is expected, there are…

01 Oct 2021

Afghanistan-Sahel: similarities and radical differences.

Two scenarios seem analogous. But if both are characterized by long years of involvement of foreign…

01 Oct 2021

Colombia. Distant peace.

Despite the peace accord signed in Havana, Colombia is still caught in the crossfire between FARC…

01 Sep 2021

Graphite at the centre of new political equilibrium.

Besides lithium, another mineral occupies a central role for its use in high technology. China controls…

01 Sep 2021

DR Congo. The President’s pastors.

The closest advisers of Tshisekedi are three Pentecostal pastors whom he trusts to increase consensus in…

01 Sep 2021

Brazil. Rio de Janeiro clutching at straws.

The pandemic is raging with fury in Rio de Janeiro, aggravating the ancestral problems of a…

01 Sep 2021

The Canaries route among the most dangerous in the world.…

In the Wolof language ‘Barcelona or Death!’, as the route through the Canaries is often called…

01 Aug 2021

The new narcotics routes in Africa.

Heroin trafficking in Africa is growing in intensity due to the development of the ‘southern route’…

01 Aug 2021

Nigeria. Avocado, the black pear.

Some African countries are on their way to becoming the main avocado exporters of the future…

01 Aug 2021

Kenya. Nairobi’s thirst for a future.

Short of water and housing, with spreading criminality and a pandemic that seems difficult to bring…

01 Aug 2021

France. The Coming Anomy.

In April and May 2021, two groups of French officers (both retired and serving) from different…

01 Jul 2021

DR Congo. Towards a permanent state of siege in Eastern…

As the security continues to deteriorate in Eastern Congo, President Tshisekedi declared a “State of Siege”…

01 Jul 2021

Mali “A coup within a coup” in an increasingly fragile…

The 24 May coup against an attempt to reduce the influence of the military has increasee…

01 Jul 2021

Avoiding the Suez Canal.

A single ship lodged in the Suez Canal halted maritime commerce and caused a rise in…

01 Jul 2021

Chad : Déby’s death opens a pandora box for the…

President Déby’s sudden death has left a huge vacuum. The stability of the country and beyond…

01 Jun 2021

Ghana. The ghetto of the ‘witches’.

In the north of the country, at Tamale, there are places where people who are victims…

01 Jun 2021

Africa Sahel. Nature as a hostage.

The nature parks of W-Arly-Pendjari, straddling the borders of Niger, Burkina Faso and Benin, have become…

01 Jun 2021

Senegal. Casamance. A ‘Low intensity conflict’.

Forty years have passed since the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MDFC) began its fight…

01 Jun 2021

Ghana. Living and dying in Agbogbloshie.

Agbogbloshie, in Accra, the capital of Ghana, is one of the largest waste dumps for electronic…

01 May 2021

Cyril Ramaphosa and the struggle for reform in South Africa.

Respected by public opinion and the international community, Ramaphosa has to fight against the various factions…

01 May 2021

Cote d’Ivoire. Old and new challenges.

Former President Laurent Gbagbo has received the green light to take back his role on the…

01 May 2021

Somalia. Tensions rise with Kenya over offshore oil-rich areas.

The weakness of Somalia’s state has incited neighbours to make steps to tap its maritime resources…

01 May 2021

Ethiopia. Eritrea’s involvement in Tigray exacerbates tensions with the West.

The Tigray conflict has dampened the enthusiasm raised by the Ethiopian Prime Minister and Nobel Prize…

01 Apr 2021

Dubai. The crossroads of African gold.

An interwoven series of criminal gangs, terrorist groups, traffickers of all sorts, networks of illegal commerce,…

01 Apr 2021

China. The Dragon over Antarctica.

Antarctica enjoys an apparent calm, beyond the logic of power that involves the rest of the…

01 Apr 2021

Nigeria. Islands in an archipelago.

John Campbell, a Senior fellow for Africa Policy Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, recently…

01 Apr 2021

DR. Congo. Kabila’s puppet cuts its strings.

In a spectacular turnaround, the former President Kabila who was still in control of the institutions…

01 Mar 2021

The Gulf of Guinea: The Sea of pirates.

Maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is a threat not only to the welfare of…

01 Mar 2021

Israel. From the Semien Mountains to Mount Sion.

The difficult journey of the Ethiopians of Jewish origin towards complete integration. Unifying music may help…

01 Mar 2021

The Israeli strategy in Africa.

In recent years, Tel Aviv has expanded and increased diplomatic relations with a growing number of…

01 Feb 2021

Africa. How Big Brother is watching Africans.

Like other continents, Africa is experimenting a spectacular spread of surveillance technology, mostly without adequate checks…

01 Feb 2021

Central African Republic. Insecurity worsening.

The country is passing through a phase of instability, and the situation is gradually worsening. The…

01 Feb 2021

Nicaragua. Electoral fraud is announced.

Those opposed to the regime of President Daniel Ortega have reported electoral fraud in view of…

01 Feb 2021

Africa’s hotspots in 2021.

This year many African countries will go through a phase of instability and conflict. Some of…

01 Jan 2021

North Africa. Revolutions on stand-by.

Ten years after the popular uprisings in North Africa, what has changed? What remains of the…

01 Jan 2021

Arms industry sales rise.

Sales of arms and military services by the sector’s largest 25 companies totalled $361 billion in…

01 Jan 2021

East Africa. Lake Victoria, a threatened wonder.

Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest freshwater surface and a touristic marvel for its fauna, its landscapes and…

01 Jan 2021

India. The Hair Business.

The trade in human hair in the wig-makers’ salons is becoming a business worth millions of…

01 Dec 2020

Murchison Falls. A tour through the largest national park in…

Welcome to the Murchison Falls National Park named after its famous waterfall. George Atube, the ranger…

01 Dec 2020

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South Africa. Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu.

Activists Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu have stopped destructive seismic testing for oil and gas off South Africa’s Eastern Cape, in an area known as…

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Beautiful Kaya.

Kaya was the most beautiful girl in the village. All the boys courted her, each bringing her small gifts. There were so many invitations from her…

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Youth & Mission

Tunisia. The future in the hands of young people.

While the country is in the grip of a serious economic crisis, in the oasis city of Tozeur, the OxyJeunes youth Centre focuses on schooling and…

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