
Monthly Archives: October 2019

Pope Francis Visits Africa. To be with the People.

On his 31st international journey (4 – 10 September), Pope Francis visited Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius. It was a journey that showed his concerns in the fields of peace and poverty as well has his great desire for justice. The streets of Maputo are particularly dark at night, especially in the outskirts. But the poor…

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The Ambitious Ants.

Ants are the busiest creatures in the world. Every ant has a full time job, with no holidays and no half-days off Ants like to work, and they don’t like much else. The biggest and strongest ants build whole cities for themselves, complete with compartments like deep shelters to which they can retreat if any…

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Kashmir. An Uncertain Future.

Tension between Pakistan and India in the disputed region of Kashmir. Against the background of the recent suspension of the autonomy of the region by the New Delhi government. But the causes go much deeper and are imbedded in the formation of Kashmir. A glance at history. When, in August 1947, ‘British India’ was divided…

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Kenya. To prepare future leaders.

This year, the Institute of Social Ministry in Mission, at Tangaza College in Nairobi, celebrate 25 years since its foundation.  The story of the Institute of Social Ministry in Mission (ISMM) begins with one great visionary, Father Francesco Pierli. He had completed his term as the General Superior of the Comboni Missionaries in 1991. In…

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Environmental Responsibility and Shared Prosperity.

The civil society is unceasingly denouncing the mining companies´ behaviour in Africa. Most of the denounced cases involve companies from developed countries such as the French AREVA, the Swiss Glencore, the French-Israeli Beny Steinmetz, the British Rio Tinto, AngloAmerican, AngloGold Ashanti and Vedanta Resources, the Spanish SEPHOS, the Chinese Haiyu or the Canadian Barrick Gold.…

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Amazonia. “Fear does not apply to us”

In a small town near the heart of the Brazilian Amazon region, two Sisters help support the poor agricultural workers in their struggles for land and better living conditions. In a simple wooden house on an unpaved street in the violent town of Anapu, near the heart of the Brazilian Amazon region, live Sr. Jane…

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Nicaragua. Journey into myths and legend in the land of volcanoes.

Every town and city has its own tales, myths, and legends that make up part of the culture of Nicaraguans. Those who appear to be the simplest folk, all the while guarding the treasure of the traditions of their ancestors. León is the second largest city in Nicaragua, after Managua. It was founded by the…

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Uganda. A Circus, the Art of Redemption.

The slums of Katwe have seen the birth of a new circus where the jugglers, acrobats, fire-eaters and dancers are the youngsters themselves of the shanty town. They have become so skilled that they have been asked to perform even outside the continent of Africa. For many of them it has become a profession. The…

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Robert Mugabe. Which Legacy?

Robert Mugabe is the sort of figure that always caused discomfort. He was a permanent revolutionary, becoming, in time, the despotic ruler who frittered away revolutionary gain. He played multiple roles in international political consciousness. As Zimbabwe’s strongman, he was demonised and lionised in equal measure for a good deal of his time in power.…

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World Mission Sunday. “Mission is part of our identity as Christians”.

This year World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on 20 October. Under the theme “Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World.” A synthesis of his message. In his message, Pope Francis writes: “For the month of October 2019, I have asked that the whole Church revive her missionary awareness and…

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Pope Francis: “Our young people are our foremost mission”.

In his fourth apostolic journey to the African continent, visiting Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius Pope Francis said to young people: “keep dreaming and moving forward”. In Mozambique, Pope Francis encouraged young people of different faiths to not give up in the face of their country’s challenges, but to confront them with joy and hope. “How…

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Advocating For Intelligent And Sustainable Earnings.

There is no consistent and successful advocacy but the one founded in strong credibility. Credibility is the quality or power of inspiring belief; it can refer to a person, a corporation, an activity or a report. Credibility gives legitimacy of speaking or acting on behalf or support of a plan, an idea, a project, or…

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Nada Fadol. “We are all one soul”.

A recent morning, a group of refugees, mostly men and women from Sudan and Syria, filled the waiting room of a centre run by the…

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The Treasure of Friendship.

A man had two sons. Their names were Rafiki and Tambu. One day he decided to teach them a lesson. He called them early in the…

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Youth & Mission

“We young people, on the side of our wounded Lebanon”.

In the country of the cedars, dragged into the Middle Eastern conflict, two thousand Caritas volunteers take care of internally displaced people: more than a million,…

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