
Monthly Archives: December 2021

Eritrea. The sacrifice of the red goat.

The Kunama, an Eritrean ethnic group living in the remote and isolated area between the Gash and Setit rivers near the border with Ethiopia. Kunama life is marked by traditional rites and ceremonies handed down by the ancient fathers and scrupulously observed. A glance at the rites of tillage. The fields have been cleared and…

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Africa. The boom of e-commerce.

As use of the Internet grows, so does the number of consumers who shop online. A surprising fact: the sector could benefit from around $15 billion between 2025 and 2030 if there were more women-owned businesses on the platforms. The number of online shoppers in Africa has surged annually by18% since 2014 (the global average is 12%) and…

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Bolivia. Under the spell of the rich mountain.

They toil in dark and poorly secured tunnels – always looking for the one good mine that will make everyone rich. But what the miners find in the silver mountain of Potosí in Bolivia is hardly enough to live on. A community of Catholic Sisters is helping the miners’ families in this particular moment of…

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In search of ethical coherence in investments.

To Missionaries, living the Gospel in a radical fashion is a way of advocating for the poor and the earth. The devise, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation is a distant horizon that, however, continually attracts and directs their fragile and sometimes contradictory steps. One of these steps is to invest in the agroecology promoted…

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Kenya/Ethiopia. A journey into Borana’s cultural heritage.

In the vast semi-desert uplands of southern Ethiopia, and in the northern desert region of Kenya, the Borana have their home. They believe themselves to be the first of the groups that form the great Oromo family. “We were the first to arrive, at dawn”. The experts agree that the Borana — around half a…

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Getting married.

Among the Borana people marriage is preceded by several stages and long negotiations, which can go on even for two years. The boy’s father takes the first step by visiting the girl’s parents, on this occasion he brings them some tobacco and coffee as gifts. The girl’s parents accept the gifts the first time but…

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Glasgow COP26. Young people at the forefront of Climate Change.

Not only protest marches. They have contributed with debates and proposals at the COP 26 Climate Change in Glasgow. They have been the real protagonists of the Conference. At COP26 in Glasgow, Oumarou Ibrahim from Chad, founder of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad, addressing world leaders on the importance of environmental…

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The Gubissa Ceremony.

The birth of a child is always an important event that brings joy to the Borana. The joy is all the more important when the child is a first-born or a male. The announcement of the birth is made by the father who shouts to all “Olla, ilmi dallae buna tambo nyada” (People of the…

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Herbs & Plants. Leonotis nepetifolia. ‘A Lion era’.

In traditional medicine, the plant is used to treat a number of diseases like bronchial asthma, fever, influenza, cough, as well as treatment of epilepsy. Medicinal plants are a huge element of the indigenous medical systems. Leonotis nepetifolia (Family Lamiaceae) is one of such medicinal plant species with significant medicinal values. It is commonly known…

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Troubled waters in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.

Geopolitical tension in the Indo-Pacific Region has been aggravated by the controversial purchase of submarines by Australia from the United States. At the root of the problem is the fear of Western countries and their allies at the growing naval power of China. The reasoning is that Peking has 360 battleships and attack submarines at…

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Philippine. The Fiesta, joyful celebration.

The life of the Filipino villages and parishes is built around the “Fiesta”, a yearly celebration of the Patron Saint which includes the preparations, the solemn Mass, the procession with the images of the Saint, the cooking, and the hospitality. Every town in the Philippines, no matter how big or small, holds a fiesta. Traditionally,…

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Azerbaijan: Unique Carpets.

The Azerbaijan art of weaving is unique: it is an ancient tradition, a mystical and pedagogical language and a sign of Azeri identity that has now become the Heritage of Humanity. In Lahij, on the mountains of Azerbaijan, four generations come together around the loom on which carpets are woven. The woman doing the weaving…

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Angie Torres. A refugee among refugees.

Forced to flee Colombia, she has managed to rebuild her life in Ecuador. Now she defends the human rights of migrants and in particular of…

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Brazil. The violin's sound.

There was a man who had an only son. When the man died, the son was left all alone in the world. There were not many…

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Youth & Mission

What do Africa's youth have to say about the future…

The latest African Youth Survey from the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, a leading African foundation promoting active citizenship across the continent, provides a comprehensive look at the…

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