

Richness of differences.

A reflection on the Pope’s latest trip to the “peripheries of the world”. After more than ten years of pontificate, we understand what the main task that this pope has given himself is: to evangelize God, that is, to make God Good News for the people who believe in him but are tempted to venerate…

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World Mission Sunday. Pope Francis: “Come to the banquet”.

This year, World Mission Day is part of the final phase of the “Synod on Synodality” being held in Rome. The theme chosen by Pope Francis is “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (Mt 22: 9). In his message, Pope Francis gives a special meaning to World Mission Day, which is celebrated on October…

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A Priest for the World.

Giuseppe Allamano, founder of the Consolata Missionaries will be canonized on October 20th. Mission must be given the best. He was born on January 21, 1851, in Castelnuovo d’Asti (now Castelnuovo Don Bosco), in Northern Italy. Educated in solid Christian virtues by his mother, the sister of Saint Joseph Cafasso, he then went to the…

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The Earth, “The Common Home” of humanity.

The encyclical Laudato Si’ offers a new way of thinking about our understanding of the current planetary crisis of environmental degradation, the causes of this situation and the path to recovery. The new vision of reality offered by Laudato Si’ can be defined as integral ecology. It is a new paradigm or manifesto that Pope…

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Talitha Kum against people trafficking.

Fifteen years ago, Talitha Kum was established as an International Network of Consecrated Life against Trafficking in Persons by the International Union of Superiors General (UISG.) A long journey of commitment alongside many exploited people. We talk about it with Sister Abby Avelino, the international coordinator of the Network. “We live in a world where…

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Israel/Palestine. The Doors of the Desert.

“It is very important to be present and accompany them, especially in this painful and difficult moment,” says Comboni Sister Expedita Perez. Our community of Al Azarieh is very close to Jerusalem, in a place called Bethany in the time of Jesus. From here we usually go out on Saturdays to visit some of the…

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Asia. Walking together.

The experience of the Missions Etrangères de Paris which from Europe paved the way for evangelization on the continent in the 17th century. The commitment to the church in China. The reception of Asian priests in France. We talked with Father Vincent Sénéchal, the Superior General Father of the Missions Etrangères de Paris “We are…

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Journey to Beauty Through Arts and Creativity.

A journey towards Beauty is also a journey to God. Fr Raul Tabaranza, a Comboni missionary from the Philippines is exploring this journey, making use of his artistic painting talents. Art says a lot; if you can read the message of a painting, the artist’s emotion is always there. Even though a work of art…

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“I am on the side of peace”.

“To those who ask me which side I am on with so many armed and bloody conflicts being pursued in various regions of the world, I reply without hesitation that I am on the side of the victims of war.” A reflection by Father Saverio Paolillo, a Comboni missionary who has worked in Brazil for…

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Catholic Church. The Apostolic Exhortation. Praise God for all his creatures.

In his latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, Pope Francis has highlighted the urgency of every person doing their best to minimize the effects of climate change. The exhortation, published on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi this year, is a follow-up on his profoundly significant encyclical, Laudato Si’, published at Pentecost in 2015. In…

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World Youth Day. Pope Francis: “Each of us is an “original”.

More than one and a half million people took part in World Youth Day (Lisbon, 1- 6 August).  Fragments of the Pope’s speeches. “You are not here by accident. The Lord has called you, not only in these days but from the very beginning of your days. He called you by name. Each of us…

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Interreligious Dialogue. “We are all in the same boat”.

Share your faith. Approach the other without fear. Look to the future with hope. The document on ‘Human Fraternity’ signed in Abu Dhabi, a new road map for Humanity. We spoke with Comboni Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso, Prefect of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue. What is the meaning of interreligious dialogue? It is mainly a…

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Angie Torres. A refugee among refugees.

Forced to flee Colombia, she has managed to rebuild her life in Ecuador. Now she defends the human rights of migrants and in particular of…

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Brazil. The violin's sound.

There was a man who had an only son. When the man died, the son was left all alone in the world. There were not many…

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Youth & Mission

What do Africa's youth have to say about the future…

The latest African Youth Survey from the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, a leading African foundation promoting active citizenship across the continent, provides a comprehensive look at the…

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