
News & Analysis | September 2024

Turkish Islamic Private military company launches offensive in Africa.

The decline of the Western military presence in the Sahel and the expansion of the Russian Wagner Group there has eclipsed the offensive in Africa of the first Islamic private military company, the Turkish SADAT Group. The expulsion of French and American troops from the…


Uruguay. A Buffer State.

The country is preparing for the next presidential elections which will be held on October 27th. The Frente Amplio is currently ahead in the polls. We retrace the political and economic path of this South American country. Located on the Atlantic side of the Southern Cone, and second in extension only to Suriname, Uruguay is the smallest…

Political and economic change.

Significant reforms. Opening up to new markets. The presidency of Pepe Mujica. The victory of the socialist Tabaré Vázquez within the Frente Amplio confederation, achieved in the first round with 50.05% of the votes, followed the wave of political change that had affected the Indio-Latin continent since the end of the 1990s and which was attributable to…

More attractive for business.

The affirmation of the current President Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou, leader of the Partido Nacional de Uruguay, put an end to the government cycle of the Frente Amplio whose candidate was defeated with around 30 thousand votes of difference in the Presidential elections of December 2019. President Lacalle, whose victory is in line with the conservative wave…

Between China and EU.

Despite the privileged position it enjoys and the fertility of its land, Uruguay presents a large disproportion between its territorial area of 176, 215 thousand km², and the number of its inhabitants equal to 3, 5 million, comparable to those of any capital. Of these, approximately 1,381,000 live in the capital Montevideo. In the opinion of some…


Syria. A Light in the darkness.

Thirteen years of war. The earthquake and the consequences of the conflict…

The Guarani. The great family of creation.

For indigenous peoples, the earth is like a mother who offers her…

Safeguarding the Environment: Costs and Benefits.

“Do we want our children and their children to ask us: ‘Why…

The Earth, “The Common Home” of humanity.

The encyclical Laudato Si' offers a new way of thinking about our…


Literature.Three women talk about their Sudan, bitter and divided.

In A Mouth Full of Salt, Sudanese writer Reem Gaafar traces…

Music. Tiken Jah Fakoly. The star of African reggae.

With his latest work the Ivorian artist, who has lived in…

Herbs & Plants. Bridelia micrantha. A robust medicinal plant.

It is a small to medium semi-deciduous to deciduous tree up…

The Sahara. In the Shade of the Tent.

The tents of the desert inhabitants are a concentration of technologies,…

Opinion & Comment

Libya is the key hub for Moscow's operations in Africa.

By maintaining a strong presence in Libya, Russia is able to pursue its geopolitical goals. One…

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Internal and external challenges for the EU's approach to the…

With conflicts raging across the Horn of Africa and tensions rising, the EU seems to have…

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India. Alok Shukla. Dedicating his life for the protection of…

He led a successful community campaign that saved 445,000 acres of biodiversity-rich forests from 21 planned coal mines in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.…

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The flower of Quetzal.

At that time, Prince Ulmac, 'The One from the Water Palace', who had ascended the throne in 'Year Nine of the Rabbit', reigned in Tollan. His…

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Youth & Mission

Mission.The Joy of Giving and Receiving.

Three African Comboni Missionaries share their missionary life My name is Brother Ghislain Dagbeto from Togo. I remember that in my formative years I initially resisted invitations…

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