
Monthly Archives: January 2023

The Maasai. The origin of cattle.

Naiteru-Kop, one of the gods of the Maasai, walked the earth at the dawn of the world and he found it already held some inhabitants. He found a Dorobo (a member of a hunting people, also known as Okiek), a snake, and an elephant living together. After Naiteru-Kop had passed by, the Dorobo found a…

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Turkey Toward 2023, Erdogan’s Turning Point?

Turkey is heading for crucial presidential and parliamentary elections in a pivotal year for its history. Indeed, October 2023 will mark the centenary of the founding of the Republic. Before that date, in June, Turkey will go to the polls, which will either consolidate President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s longstanding power or mark a seismic shift,…

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The Cities of Africa. Urban and Decolonial.

The key to understanding the growth of cities in the African continent. At a frenetic pace, Africa has gone from being the least urbanized continent to be the fastest urbanizing region on the planet. With urbanisms and complex dynamics as diverse as the histories that have shaped them, African metropolises today stretch across the continent…

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Youth. Talking Entrepreneurship.

Strike while the iron is hot. The wisdom of this saying epitomizes the entrepreneurial mind. lt is a mind that the youth should embrace. However, it is not just acting that makes a difference in entrepreneurship but knowing opportunities when they manifest themselves. Ultimately, it is creating value for the community that brings dividends. In…

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Cinema. African Queens.

Black Panther: Wakanda forever and The Woman King have sparked interesting debates both in the African American community and in African countries. Colonialism, Pan-Africanism and slavery are the backgrounds of the two Hollywood films. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever by Ryan Coogler from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is a sequel that reflects the pain and chaos…

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Iraq. Lalish, the Sacred Heart of the Yazidis.

Persecuted and driven from their homeland, Sinjar, in Iraqi Kurdistan, Yazidis cling to their religion and traditions such as the pilgrimage to the most important shrine. We visited the place. “Angels live on the threshold of every entrance, so it is important not to step on the entrance steps”. This is one of the rules…

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Africa Political Forecast 2023.

Elections in the most populated country of the continent, Nigeria, and the expansion of jihadism are some of the main challenges expected this year. Many elections are scheduled this year in Africa but several are likely to be postponed. In West Africa, parliamentary elections scheduled for 8 January 2023 in Benin should be more open…

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UN. 2023. The International Year of Millet.

The cultivation and consumption of millet is a response to the challenges posed by population growth, food insecurity and climate change. A unique opportunity. Among the first plants to be domesticated, millet is considered a cereal with a high content of nutrients. For seven thousand years, this small, round grain has been the staple food…

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The Role of Secondary Cities. Trait d’union between development and tradition.

Half of the African urban residents live in one of the more than 7,500 medium or small continental cities. They are often excluded from investments and public services. But they enhance the continent’s extraordinary heritage of biodiversity. Large metropolises attracted a monopoly of attention to their immense social and environmental challenges, but the data on…

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Sister Helen Prejean. To Give Dignity.

She shows no signs of slowing down in her long-standing fight to end the death penalty. At 84, she is writing her fourth book while directing her advocacy organization, Ministry Against the Death Penalty, in New Orleans. She spends a fair amount of time on the road as she continues to give talks, especially on…

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Ali Birra, Icon of Oromo Music.

For over fifty years he has been the voice of this ethnic group of Ethiopia and has garnered considerable popularity. He had disagreements with Haile Selassie and with Mengistu. He died last November in Dire Dawa. Although he left Ethiopia in the 1980s and stayed away for about twenty years, Ali Birra continued to be…

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Nada Fadol. “We are all one soul”.

A recent morning, a group of refugees, mostly men and women from Sudan and Syria, filled the waiting room of a centre run by the…

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The Treasure of Friendship.

A man had two sons. Their names were Rafiki and Tambu. One day he decided to teach them a lesson. He called them early in the…

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Youth & Mission

“We young people, on the side of our wounded Lebanon”.

In the country of the cedars, dragged into the Middle Eastern conflict, two thousand Caritas volunteers take care of internally displaced people: more than a million,…

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