
News October 2020

Burkina Faso: Shadows and dangers.

The country is in turmoil. Jihadist violence risks tearing it apart. In November 2020 the country is supposed to choose its new President and new parliamentarians, but the polls may aggravate the situation. The main threat to Burkina Faso’s security is terrorism, due to two jihadist groups that fight against the government and against each…

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Chokepoints: the vulnerable doors of the Middle East.

Chokepoints are of huge geostrategic importance to the Middle East, where there are three of the most important maritime straits: the Suez Canal, the strait of Hormuz and the strait of Bal el-Mandeb. Strong economic, political, and military interests are at stake. Main facilitators of international freight transport activities, and therefore vulnerable to various factors,…

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Africa. Unsafe roads.

The continent has the highest percentage in the world of deaths in road accidents which kill many more people than viral infections. The causes are many with bad roads, insufficient policing, drunkenness and old vehicles.  In Africa, the increase of mobility with automobiles, people moving from place to place, and roads under construction, brings a…

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Cameroon. Football versus alcohol.

A soccer championship is useful in order to keep hundreds of young people of the Baka ethnic group in Cameroon far away from alcohol consumption. The sun is going down in the town of Mintom, in southern Cameroon, one of the regions of Central Africa with the highest concentration of pygmy population. The sky is…

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South Africa. Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu.

Activists Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu have stopped destructive seismic testing for oil and gas off South Africa’s Eastern Cape, in an area known as…

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Beautiful Kaya.

Kaya was the most beautiful girl in the village. All the boys courted her, each bringing her small gifts. There were so many invitations from her…

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Youth & Mission

Tunisia. The future in the hands of young people.

While the country is in the grip of a serious economic crisis, in the oasis city of Tozeur, the OxyJeunes youth Centre focuses on schooling and…

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