
Dossier June 2020

Ethnic Groups and Religions.

A country of striking and changing landscapes, extremes of climate and environment, in tourism, Mongolia has an important source of income which threatens and simultaneously assists the permanence of traditions and ways of living that are threatened anyway. The first threat is that of the population gradually becoming sedentary. Among these are many ethnic groups,…

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Mongolia. An Unstable Democracy.

The advisability, possibility and feasibility of the elections for the new Mongolian parliament, the single house Grand Hural with 76 seats, planned for 24 June and presently unconfirmed, are inevitably intertwined with the ongoing emergency due to the spread of the Covid-19. The spread has reached epidemic proportions though, in Mongolia, it has been somewhat…

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Dependent Economy.

The question present in the recent history of Mongolia is whether the potential of the country will be transformed into real progress and with which policies. Up to recent times, the world seemed to have discovered a peaceful country that was stable and potentially one of the richest in the world. Underneath the ground there…

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South Africa. Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu.

Activists Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu have stopped destructive seismic testing for oil and gas off South Africa’s Eastern Cape, in an area known as…

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Beautiful Kaya.

Kaya was the most beautiful girl in the village. All the boys courted her, each bringing her small gifts. There were so many invitations from her…

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Youth & Mission

Tunisia. The future in the hands of young people.

While the country is in the grip of a serious economic crisis, in the oasis city of Tozeur, the OxyJeunes youth Centre focuses on schooling and…

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