
Dossier December 2020

GGW. Resources insufficient.

It is not easy to juggle the various interests that revolve around the GGW, and it is just as difficult to trace the nature of the funds that have flowed to back the Project, which started out as African, but ended up becoming international. “Economic resources are a problem”, said Abakar Zougoulou,  Agency’s scientific director…

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GGW. An inconsistent impact

The Great Green Wall’s goal is clear: to regenerate 100 million hectares of degraded land by 2030; to sequester 250 million tons of carbon dioxide; and to create 10 million jobs in rural areas, contributing directly to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Still, understanding what the results have been so far is more complex. If…

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The Pan-African Green Wall.

From a green wall of trees to a mosaic of ecosystems. From the moment it was conceived to now, The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel (GGW) – has been radically transformed. The objective, however, has stayed the same: to curb soil degradation and to combat poverty. In June 2005, the Heads…

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GGW. Agroforestry Is Key.

Any ecological rehabilitation of a territory must consider several factors, not the least of which is access to land. Farmers and shepherds, totaling some 232 million people living in the area surrounding the Sahara, are an integral part of the Green Wall, which aims to enhance community gardens, grazing areas, fruit groves, income trees, and…

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India. Alok Shukla. Dedicating his life for the protection of…

He led a successful community campaign that saved 445,000 acres of biodiversity-rich forests from 21 planned coal mines in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.…

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The flower of Quetzal.

At that time, Prince Ulmac, 'The One from the Water Palace', who had ascended the throne in 'Year Nine of the Rabbit', reigned in Tollan. His…

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Youth & Mission

Mission.The Joy of Giving and Receiving.

Three African Comboni Missionaries share their missionary life My name is Brother Ghislain Dagbeto from Togo. I remember that in my formative years I initially resisted invitations…

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