
Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN). Position on the 2019 EU Parliamentary Elections.

Why be involved
It is more profitable to participate actively and wisely in choosing our leaders so that candidates who share our values stand better chance of being elected. In fact, not participating in the election is already a choice of the outcome: a choice of who speaks on our behalf and a choice for what happens to the environment.

Think globally… act locally
In our globalized world, the socio-economic impacts of the eu elections in may 2019 will extend to Africa and beyond. Global peace is only possible in the presence of constructive structures for social, economic and ecological justice.

What does AEFJN wants to achieve in the EU elections?
Beyond pointing out the negatively skewed existential economic relations between Africa and the European union; we want to contribute to its change. Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network    (Aefjn) aims to encourage citizens to exercise their right to vote, not to any political logo, but to elect politicians of valour who will help to build a Europe and a world of solidarity, shared economic justice and prosperity.

Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) calls for special attention to just economic relations between the Eu and the Sub-saharan Africa

Economic relation between the EU and Africa is a complex, multi-dimensional, interdependent and interconnected subject, but AEFJN approaches it from the following elements:

Corporate social responsibility
Big transnational corporations take advantage of the loopholes in the international tax system to evade taxes or pay very little. There is a need for more transparency in our tax system. Substantial mobilization of domestic resources is required to finance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is not possible to discourage young Africans from taking the suicidal route of the Mediterranean Sea in search of a better life in Europe when they cannot see a future in their continent

Food Sovereignty
Without a radical transformation, the UN goal of a world without hunger will remain a mirage. In the same vein, the industrial agriculture promoted by the EU and other developed countries is not a viable option. Are the candidates of the election from your country committed to transition to more sustainable food systems that are based on family farming and sound agro-ecological approach?

Climate Justice
Climate change is an impending catastrophe. Pope Francis in  Laudato SI has provided wonderful and practical principles to avoid this unprecedented disaster. The international community has committed in Paris Agreement to limit the average warming to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. However, the report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in October 2018 shows that only ambitious measures will achieve the objective set out at Paris Agreement. How would Europe be more ambitious and take the part of a just transition to carbon healthy societies?

Migration Justice
Migration can become a positive experience for everyone if we base our policies on migration justice. It means: to receive a proportion of refugees proportional to the population and wealth of the European Union, and thus to distribute asylum seekers fairly among European countries.

Trade and Investment Justice
Trade and Investment Justice: Trade and investment flows are now the main sources of financing for development. Yet, the current investment logic of the corporation has led governments to attract them through measures that generate a social, environmental and fiscal race. How will trade be transformed into a tool for the promotion of decent work, social protection, and an economy that respects human rights and the limits of the planet?

What shall we do now?
The candidates for the elections are offering themselves in campaigns and debates. Follow debates of the candidates; the debates of your prospective MEPs and those leading the list in the elections. Are they in alignment with AEFJN values? Ask for their views on these themes and step out to cast your votes for the candidates that share AEFJN values. Utilize every opportunity for constructive engagement with the candidates for the election; it is necessary for the focusing of your votes. And do not forget to share the AEFJN values with your community members, friends and others.

Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN).


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